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DP2 Nora B Mobilisation by LDTVO

LDTVO Marc Geffroy Fiber optic cable

6 October 2020

DP2 Nora B Mobilisation by LDTVO


For the third time this year, DP2 Nora B (Zumaia Offshore, S.L.) has been mobilised with a Fiber Optic cable Laying and Burial Spread by LOUIS DREYFUS TRAVOCEAN. Mobilisation took place at LD Travocean warehouse in Dunkirk followed by the loading of 17km of FO cable.
Vessel left Dunkirk yesterday evening to sail to the project location.
For product burial, TO Mobile NV machine designed and built by LD Travocean will be used.”- Linkedin post 06/10 here.

Thanks to our colleague Marc GEFFROY for sharing nice pictures and update on this project requiring the following skills and resources:

✔️ Unit mobilization
✔️ Fiber Optic cable Laying
✔️ FO Cable burial spread
✔️ FO Cable loading
✔️ Logistic base in Dunkirk. Click here.
✔️ Design and construction of product burial by Louis Dreyfus Travocean

Read more about Louis Dreyfus Travocean: click here.