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24 August 2020

Christophe Cancel

Draughtsman, Design Office

Interview Christophe Cancel, Draughtsman – Design Office   1/ Could you summarize your career and tell us about your current position? Despite a two-year degree in mechanical engineering and production in 2013 in Ville d’Avray (France), I felt unconfident and not mature enough to follow this way. I had multiple jobs and some of them …

8 June 2020

Elise Vandermeersch

Lieutenante / DPO

The Louis Dreyfus Armateurs Group joins the Cluster Maritime Français (CMF) and the Association Elles Bougent  to celebrate women on the occasion of this World Ocean Day 2020 and through the operation “Les ELLES de l’Océan“. This special operation aims to promote the place of women in the maritime sector and to make young women …

8 June 2020

Marie Sciboz


The Louis Dreyfus Armateurs Group joins the Cluster Maritime Français (CMF) and the Association Elles Bougent  to celebrate women on the occasion of this World Ocean Day 2020 and through the operation “Les ELLES de l’Océan“. This special operation aims to promote the place of women in the maritime sector and to make young women …

23 December 2019

Pedro Mobilio de Lima

Offshore Project Engineer

Interview 1 / What has been your career path so far ? I studied mechanical engineering at Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) and later spent a year at Polytech Marseille (France) in the field of energy mechanics. After I graduated from university in Rio, I worked at Subsea 7 as an engineer in …

6 December 2018

Adrien Eyssautier


24 August 2020

Christophe Cancel

Draughtsman, Design Office

Interview Christophe Cancel, Draughtsman – Design Office   1/ Could you summarize your career and tell us about your current position? Despite a two-year degree in mechanical engineering and production in 2013 in Ville d’Avray (France), I felt unconfident and not mature enough to follow this way. I had multiple jobs and some of them …

8 June 2020

Elise Vandermeersch

Lieutenante / DPO

The Louis Dreyfus Armateurs Group joins the Cluster Maritime Français (CMF) and the Association Elles Bougent  to celebrate women on the occasion of this World Ocean Day 2020 and through the operation “Les ELLES de l’Océan“. This special operation aims to promote the place of women in the maritime sector and to make young women …

8 June 2020

Marie Sciboz


The Louis Dreyfus Armateurs Group joins the Cluster Maritime Français (CMF) and the Association Elles Bougent  to celebrate women on the occasion of this World Ocean Day 2020 and through the operation “Les ELLES de l’Océan“. This special operation aims to promote the place of women in the maritime sector and to make young women …

23 December 2019

Pedro Mobilio de Lima

Offshore Project Engineer

Interview 1 / What has been your career path so far ? I studied mechanical engineering at Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) and later spent a year at Polytech Marseille (France) in the field of energy mechanics. After I graduated from university in Rio, I worked at Subsea 7 as an engineer in …

6 December 2018

Adrien Eyssautier
