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Job Testimonial – Dorian ERNEST

Dorian Ernest Louis Dreyfus Armateurs

21 May 2021

Job Testimonial – Dorian ERNEST

Dorian ERNEST, Digital Communication Officer, LDA

“I don’t have any personal motto. I just try to give my best all the time.”

“I graduated from a STI2D baccalaureate (Science and Technology of Industry and Sustainable Development) followed by a degree in #BTS Electronics. I then moved on to a professional bachelor’s degree specializing in web design, then I continued with a master’s degree in CEO & Digital Expertise at the EEMI – L’École Européenne des Métiers de l’Internet on a work-study basis.
I am currently in charge of digital communication at LOUIS DREYFUS ARMATEURS Group. […] Every day is different and that’s what I like! […] and from the very beginning, there was a lot to do and I’ve had to work on many projects. However, this allowed me to catch up on the different missions very quickly and to facilitate my integration into the Group. That’s a very positive point.”

Read full job testimonial (and many more!): click here 

Thank you very much Dorian!